Weather26 - The perfect weather app for Windows Phone

This is going to be probably the shortest review I ever wrote. That is a good thing, believe me.

Windows Phone is all about minimal design. Nothing clunky, nothing to "poke" your eyes out. I like it like that and when I need an app that I'm gonna use 10 times a day I want it to be simple, functional and informative. Here's where Weather26 shines. The application has one simple panel that shows you everything you need to know. It shows you the current weather conditions(and they're right on the money), an two days forecast on 3 hours interval and a 6 days forecast. The forecast panels are cleverly designed to be swipe-able so you don't need to switch to a different screen to see any of the things I just told you about. All is done in one screen. Oh, did I tell you that it has a live tile too? Have I mentioned that it's a free app? Maybe I should remind you that it INSTANTLY updates the current weather conditions?

Simple, elegant, useful. All. I. Need.

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