Coming Soon: My Book on Business Strategy

I’m getting ready to publish my book on business strategy, Map the Future. It’s all about how a business should plan for the future, and how to manage the functions that help you make those plans: competitive analysis, market research, and advanced technology. It’s not a case study book; it’s more like a business cookbook, with detailed how-to instructions on everything from segmenting the market for a new product to influencing people who don't want to listen.

I’ll post more about the book when it ships, but in the meantime I wanted to offer a review copy to any journalists or bloggers who want to look at it. If you’re interested, please write to me at the address here. Be sure to include the URL of your publication or blog.

Now that the book’s finally done, I can get back to blogging. There’s a lot of interesting stuff going on, and I’ve been dying to dig into it.

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