Welcome back to the 2015-16 School Year!
New Technology Resource Pages
Over the summer, ITD has been working hard to prepare variety of tools to meet the differing needs across curricular areas and levels:
- iPads
- Chromebooks
- Macbook Air Laptops
- an allocation of devices for supplementing instructional services (BYOD, Rotational Model, project base learning, innovative practices, special areas, magnets)
- two iPads for use in the music class
- Kiosk Display
- Needed upgrades to printers in offices and common areas
- Network Storage and Back-up systems for staff and student files.
- Windows computers for Project Lead the Way Labs for all Secondary Schools
- Project Lead the Way Launch iPad carts for pilot Elementary Schools
As we infuse our schools with new technologies, we would like to share resources for use in the classroom as well. Please visit the following pages on the AAPS Instructional Technology Blog to learn more.
Inspiring Innovative Integration Resource - Handouts and presentations from the Summer Technology Professional Development Opportunities
Accessing data on the Servers - How to connect to the new Storage servers.
iPad Resources
Chromebook Resources
Ladibug Document Camera
Reflector 2 - How to display an iPad on the projector
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