TeachT@lk Webinar: Teaching 21st Century Skills


Did you know that K12 schools are integrating 21st Century Skills and making broad shifts in education? These changes include integrating more real-world problem solving, peer collaborations, and innovative technologies into classrooms. In Tuesday's TeachT@lk webinar, our guest, David Roman, a K12 Education Specialist from Pinal County, helped us understand what these skills are, and what faculty should expect in future college students.

David introduced us to "P21" a framework for helping to develop 21st Century Learning, which includes these 3 skill areas:
  • Life/career skills
  • Learning/Innovation Skills
  • 21CLD Collaboration Rubric
  • Information/Media/Tech skills
The webinar also included an introduction to the 21CLD Learning Activity Rubrics, which describe 6 specific skills for higher education, including:
  1. Collaboration
  2. Knowledge construction 
  3. Self-regulation
  4. Real-world problem solving
  5. Use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
  6. Skilled communication
Participants practiced evaluating group projects, based on the Collaboration Rubric. Using a Google Form, and simple "Yes/No" questions they scored an assignment in order to understand what level of collaboration was involved, as well as ways to improve and increase the collaboration levels.


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